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Scholarships Help Students Avoid Debt and Help Schools Keep Great Students

Since 2015, Apex College of Veterinary Technology has been offering scholarships to students to help them afford a great education. With the revamp of our website, we now have a page dedicated entirely to letting students and prospective students know about this option.

The Founders Scholarship is offered to all students maintaining a full time schedule and their academic progress. The scholarship automatically covers half of all tuition and fees related to any of our programs for every qualified student in every qualified quarter.

The purpose of the scholarship is threefold. First, it allows our students to have more options and ability to afford an amazing education without having to deal with the issue of student debt in the process. It also rewards students for being successful in their classes and motivates them to keep up their good habits during the quarter. Finally, it allows us, as a local, private alternative for veterinary education to maintain quality students without the support of state and federal grant programs.

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